Tag Archive: Windows 8 vs Windows 7

Windows 8 vs Windows7The most discussed issue after the launch of Microsoft’s Windows 8 is the new Start screen with a modern user interface.

But Windows 8 is much more change is not just an updated interface. Let’s define what better Windows 8 or Windows 7.

The new operating system includes the basic improvements such as improved multi-monitor mode, the upgrading Windows Explorer, cloud synchronization, as well as new ways to personalize your desktop.

Windows 8 is different from Windows 7 in that it offers something new for everyone, from normal users who just want to process e-mail, browse the web and watch videos, to advanced users with special needs, such as the management of multiple external hard drive and reinstall Windows. Continue reading

Windows 8 vs Windows7With the reign of Windows 7 in the era where mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become more of a necessity than a fad, should we go along and jump into the trend of mobility, with Windows 8?

Windows 7: The Cream of the Crop

According to critics, Window 7 is by far the best version of Windows that Microsoft has created. Why?

It has redefined how desktop computers should function. Not only had that it given a dramatic boost into the aesthetic department of the Windows platform, but also in the aspect of speed and functionality. Windows 7 is perfect in its own ways. Over the course of time, software developers managed to port almost all software and games into this operating system; making it the ultimate platform in all aspects, may it be gaming, programming or multimedia. Continue reading

Windows 8 vs Windows7In the final version of Windows 8, click on the bottom left of the button on the screen – which previously was located on Start – starts the interface Metro (or Modern, as now he is called Microsoft).

The new panel interface is completely different from what was used on the desktop Windows, and much like Windows Phone.

Many users, however, in any way won’t decide on the new interface. Personally, I use Windows 8 in a few months, still can not figure out if he likes me or not. Getting used to it takes some time, which is why I do not draw conclusions.

Apart from me, there are plenty of people have already given up the new interface, and comment on them online. Everyone loves to remind Microsoft about what the bad was its previous operating systems, such as ME and Vista, and state that Windows 8 will be no better. But we still believe that Windows 8 has a lot of nice features and will be able to provide us with a lot of positive impressions.

Recently, works hard advertising campaign Microsoft, trying to clarify a number of enhancements for people Windows 8. And improvement, we have to admit, there really is. Overcoming two preview-version and reaching the final stages of development, Windows 8 was faster than Windows 7. Continue reading