Category: IT Industry News

The Best Music Tech The music industry is always in flux and the accompanying tech follows suit.

New inventive ways to render the experience of listening more visceral, detailed and immersive spring up with feverish speed and the craving audiences are always looking for that new extra edge.

If it’s crucial for you to stay up to speed with technological hallmarks of soundscape, here is the best music tech has to offer. Continue reading

Trends in Technology 2017There just seems to be no end to the advancements that the ongoing tech revolution has been bringing upon mankind.

You can expect to see more automation, but even more importantly, more connection, which will push our daily lives into something that used to be incomprehensible a mere decade ago.

Here, we’ve outlined a number of technological advancements to expect in 2017. Continue reading

Digital TechnologyThe digital landscape for the coming year is going to be even more complex.

The rise of social media means public opinion matters more than ever and we are already seeing how new technology trends affect some of our daily interactions.

But behind the scenes, technology continues to improve. Here are some digital trends to watch out for. Continue reading

Windows 9Windows Threshold will be the last major update for the operating system that the company will release.

On September 30 at the event, which will be held in San Francisco, Microsoft will officially introduce a new version of the operating system Windows 9.

According to sources, the new OS has received tentative name Threshold, and will be the last major update for the operating system, which will release the company. After that, Microsoft plans to release a small regular updates. Continue reading

Apple TV logoEver since Steve Jobs quoted to his biographer that he had “finally cracked” the problem of interactive TV interfaces, rumours have been rife about when Apple will announce they are releasing a TV set.

Jobs stated that he wanted to create an integrated television set that would have a really simple, user friendly interface, similar to that of iPads, and would be able to synch with other Apple devices.

The actual concreteness of the Apple TV rumours has not been supported with evidence, although in 2011 a former employee of Apple confirmed they had entered into a partnership with a TV component company. Continue reading

FreeBSD NewsFreeBSD 10.0 is now available for the i386, amd64,ia64, powerpc, powerpc64, and sparc64 architectures.

After two years since the release of FreeBSD 9 operating system developers represented release of FreeBSD 10.0, which became one of the most important releases in the history of the project.

First public builds of FreeBSD 10.0 appeared six months ago and people could understand what they can get in the final build of the operating system. Continue reading

Endian Firewall CommunityAfter two years of development, The Endian development team has announced the release of Endian Firewall Community 3.0, built based on CentOS and intended to create firewalls.

The distribution includes a comprehensive set of tools to protect the network from external threats (UTM – Unified Threat Management), such as a packet filter with stateful , funds for anti-virus scanning HTTP/FTP/POP3/SMTP traffic system content filtering tools to protect phishing and spam, SSL / TLS VPN, intrusion detection system . Control system via the web- interface or command line. Size of the boot iso-image – 217 MB. Continue reading

Windows XP end of support in AprilAccording to the Microsoft company, the support of Windows XP will stop, regardless of when OS was installed.

Microsoft remind to customers that after April 8, 2014 support of the operating system Windows XP will stop completely. Termination of support includes the rejection of the development of any updates or patches, including security updates.

The Corporation continues to insist that 29% of users who use Windows XP worldwide have not so much time to migrate to new versions of OS. At the same time, partners of MS received direct instructions from the corporation – to apply any possible efforts to prompt users to stop usage of Windows XP. Continue reading

Prolexic TechnologiesAccording to researchers, the popularity of mobile devices makes them an excellent target of hackers who use gadgets during the attacks.

The report of Prolexic Technologies Company shows that mobile applications have become increasingly used within the corporate sector to conduct DDoS-attacks since Q4 2013. Continue reading

TV 2014Fourteen top manufacturers of LCD TV screens expect to increase the products’ shippings next year, despite the fact that half of them have experienced decreasing in volumes of shippings in 2013.

TV manufacturers from South Korea, Japan and China plan to produce about 236 million of LCD TV screens in 2014, it means that an increase will be 13.4% more comparing to the estimated volume of shippings in 2013, analysts in IHS think that overall shipping in 2013 was 208.1 million units. Continue reading