Category: Open Source

Linux vs WindowsGears on Gallium – openSUSE base livecd with lates opensource video drivers

Yesterday has been published the results of performance evaluation added to the Mesa 10.4 tracker states Gallium-Nine, which provides support for API Direct3D 9 for Unix-like systems.

The comparison includes both synthetic benchmarks and testing using gaming in “native” mode or through wine / wine-csmt. Continue reading

Linux DistroThe presented stable release 4MLinux 11.0 of the minimalist user’s distribution, not an offshoot of other projects and using the graphical environment based on JWM.

4MLinux can be used as a Live-environment for video playback and solutions custom tasks, so as to recover from system failures. The size of the universal assembly is 389Mb, and a specialized version 4MRescueKit for disaster recovery – 192MB. Continue reading

Linux-Mint-15“First steps in Linux Mint” – this is a continuation of our article “Easy replacement for Windows XP part 1”.

XFCE desktop should run flawlessly with the old hardware. Once logged in, you will see displayed a fairly simple desktop. XP users can quickly orient themselves.

Located at the bottom of the Taskbar is the “Start” menu. In the “Settings | Display” adjust the screen resolution. If at this stage there were problems, it means that the automatic integration of the graphics card has failed. Do not worry. Go to the menu «System | Driver Manager», and from the list of video drivers, select the one that is marked with the word “recommended”, and then click “Apply Changes”. Reboot the system. If the driver for the Wi-Fi module was not installed automatically, it can be set through the “Driver Manager”. Continue reading

Open source newsThe following is a selection of our open source news roundup.

MidnightBSD 0.5 has been released on September 22, 2014

After years of development available to release a desktop-oriented operating system MidnightBSD 0.5.0, based on FreeBSD with elements ported from DragonFly BSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD. Basic desktop environment built on GNUstep, but users have the option to install WindowMaker or Xfce 4. prepared to load the installation image, the size of 737 MB. Continue reading

Open source newsThe Open Source Latest News over the past week

Dear readers, today we offer you a selection of the latest news in the field of Open Source over the past week: Released LeoFS v1.1.2, File manager Midnight Commander 4.8.13 is available, Wine 1.7.26 is now available, Gentoo Linux announced the availability of a new LiveDVD, and Tribler 6.3 – the decentralized and anonymous BitTorrent client saw the ligh. Continue reading

NewsRed Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Release Candidate Now Available

Red Hat has introduced release candidate distribution Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Finished installation images for x86_64 yet only available for OEMs and independent software vendors (ISV). For consumers in the public domain test builds will be published next week. Delivery time of the RHEL 7 final release is not reported.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is designed to provide the underpinning for future application architectures while providing the flexibility, scalability, and performance needed to deploy across bare metal systems, virtual machines, and cloud infrastructure. Continue reading

FreeBSD NewsFreeBSD 10.0 is now available for the i386, amd64,ia64, powerpc, powerpc64, and sparc64 architectures.

After two years since the release of FreeBSD 9 operating system developers represented release of FreeBSD 10.0, which became one of the most important releases in the history of the project.

First public builds of FreeBSD 10.0 appeared six months ago and people could understand what they can get in the final build of the operating system. Continue reading

Endian Firewall CommunityAfter two years of development, The Endian development team has announced the release of Endian Firewall Community 3.0, built based on CentOS and intended to create firewalls.

The distribution includes a comprehensive set of tools to protect the network from external threats (UTM – Unified Threat Management), such as a packet filter with stateful , funds for anti-virus scanning HTTP/FTP/POP3/SMTP traffic system content filtering tools to protect phishing and spam, SSL / TLS VPN, intrusion detection system . Control system via the web- interface or command line. Size of the boot iso-image – 217 MB. Continue reading

Debian WheezyPresented the corrected release Debian 7.2, which includes all available package updates and corrected flaws in the installer.

Recall that from Debian Wheezy changed the numbering scheme releases – the first digit in the version number is now associated with significant releases , and the second with corrective updates.

Installing assemblies are available for download. The assemblies are designed for new installations. The systems previously installed and maintained up to date, get updates present in Debian 7.2 via original install updates. Included in Debian 7.2 fixes security issues are available to users as updates are released through the service Continue reading

Ubuntu Saucy SalamanderCanonical is constantly on the try to make the actual Ubuntu server release faster and more flexible in cloud environments.

The most recent edition of the Linux distribution, which is to be available for downloading October 17, includes a faster installation software in addition to an up to date compact package technological innovation that can identical copy new environments faster.

The overall performance enhancements in Ubuntu 13.10, code-named Saucy Salamander, are actually “part of the strategy to make sure that Ubuntu gets to be the most effective environment regarding developing, diagnostic tests, and operating production products and services in a cloud. Speed is actually a type of factors most people measure,” mentioned Mark Baker, Ubuntu server as well as cloud product or service director. Continue reading